Al Azhar fundraising event 2023

Ramadan New Masjid Fundraiser

by Al Azhar Foundation +833-292-9427


The Al Azhar Foundation is honored to invite you to our Ramadan New Masjid Fundraiser on March 25, 2023 starting promptly at Maghrib insha'Allah.

We will break fast together, pray Maghrib and then gather to share a catered dinner together BEFORE the fundraising program, inshaa'Allah.

WHERE: Oak Trace Elementary School, 16504 Oak Ridge Rd, Westfield, IN 46074

WHEN: March 25, 2023, starting promptly at Maghrib, followed by a catered meal and then fundraising.


We will introduce our full construction team, present design updates, outline the development timeline for 2023 and answer your questions!

We will also be welcoming our distinguished guests Sheikh Ahmed Amer from Egypt and Imam Mohamed Al Gebaly of Mckinney Islamic Center in Dallas, TX.

Qari Sheikh Mahmoud Elmahdy

Institute: Al Azhar Masjid in Egypt

Please Register ASAP so we can prepare the correct amount of food for the iftar!

Ticket prices are as follows:

Adults: $0

Kids 11 to 20: $0

Children 10 and under: $0

Donation: $25


Saturday, March 25, 2023


Oak Trace Elementary School,

16504 Oak Ridge Rd,

Westfield, IN 46074


Qari Sheikh Mahmoud Elmahdy

Institute: Al Azhar Masjid in Egypt

Al Azhar Foundation - © . All rights reserved.

Designed and Developed by Masjid Solutions

Prayer Times

Salah Adhan Iqaamah
FAJR 06:46 AM 07:06 AM
DHUHR 02:15 PM 02:15 PM
ASR 05:45 PM 05:45 PM
MAGHRIB 07:49 PM 07:54 PM
ISHA 08:04 PM 09:30 PM

Friday, 14 March 2025

Jumu'ah I

01:30 PM 01:55 PM

Khateeb:  TBA